Get involved: clubs
Community clubs - you're in the right place!
How can my community club get involved with Team Connect?
If your club is interested in getting involved with the Team Connect program, please contact us - we’d love to hear from you.
However, it may be that we contact you first! Team Connect’s work starts with schools nominating girls to participate in the program. Once this is done, Team Connect contacts the local community club and links the school team to the club.
If my club becomes involved in Team Connect, is there anything extra we need to do?
No extra work is involved.
Team Connect registers all the participants and pays for their registration. The players will then be registered members of the local club.
Team Connect will also provide an umpire, scorer, organiser and coach for each team.
Members of our community club would like to assist Team Connect teams. How do we make this happen?
We’d love to hear from your club members! Please contact us either centrally as club or ask the interested individuals to make contact directly.
Take a look at our volunteer page to find out more about life as a Team Connect volunteer.